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8/14/2013 02:38:00 PM


Diposting oleh tuGOWA

From The Desk of: Mr. Andrew Tweedie,
Finance Department Director
International Monetary Fund(IMF)
Attn: Beneficiary,
I wish to inform you that after meeting with the President of Nigeria Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and Nigerian Federal Executive Council including the Finance Minister Mrs.Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala your funds of US$10,5 Million has been approved for immediate transfer to you.

We have receive instructions / orders to release your outstanding funds but information here suggests that you're not alive and as such the funds should be returned to its origin.

For the purpose of clarification,we advice you to confirm If you're alive, urgently reply and let us have your full data for confirmation and immediate release of your fund to you as directed.

We do hereby ask you to contact this office within 48 hours of receiving this notification to enable us advice you on how to make your claim or consider your fund confiscated. Remember that is not going to cost you, and please send your current dates and telephone number for easy communication.
Mr. Andrew Tweedie,
Finance Department Director.

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